SONIQ SONIQ901 User Manual
Page 38

,QWKHILOWHUER[XVH83'2:1EXWWRQWRVHOHFW³%URZVHU9LHZ´LWHPDQGZLOOGLVSOD\DOOILOH EXWWRQ 02/13 / Track 01 Track 03 Track 02 Repeat : off Edit mode Music Playing 17 Use the UP or DOWN buttons to select your track(VCD)and press ENTER button. The selection will display on the right. chapter(DVD)or 1. DVD 2. CD,VCD,MP3 Repeat single’ will be briefly displayed on the TV. The track will be repeated when the end of the track is reached. To Repeat All Track
Track 04
Track 05
Track 06
Track 07
Mode : Normal
Note: if you make a mistake you can press right arrow to select highlight “Clear” and press ENTER.
Repeat this procedure until you have programmed of you selected chapters or track.
To clear all entries highlight the “Clear All” on the program menu and press ENTER.
To play the sequence highlight play and press ENTER. The chapters or tracks will play in the specified order
then the DVD/VCD will stop.
The repeat function will replay a specific chapter or title.
To repeat a chapter, press the REPEAT button once.’Repeat chapter’ will be displayed on the TV. The
current chapter will be repeated when the end of the chapter is reached.
To repeat the title, press the REPEAT button twice. ‘Repeat title ’ will be displayed on the TV. The
current title will be repeated from the beginning when the end of the title is reached.
To Repeat a Track
Use the skip button to commence playing the required track. Press the REPEAT button.
Start playback and press REPEAT button twice. ‘Repeat All’ will be briefly displayed on the TV. The CD
will return to the first track once the last track has finished playing.
Note: When play VCD 2.0, the PBC mode is OFF.