La b te st – Canon iR 3570 User Manual
Page 7

© 2006 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Laboratory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any man-
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Canon imageRUNNER 3570
Buyers LaBoratory
Lab TesT RepoRT
© 2006 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Laboratory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any man-
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Canon imageRUNNER 3570
Buyers LaBoratory
Lab TesT RepoRT
Selecting Edit and Preview before printing a document automatically opens
the Canon PageComposer utility to allow viewing the pages of the document
as thumbnail images, deleting pages, changing the order of files, changing
print settings, and combining two or more documents created in different
applications into one file.
The UFR II driver also has a selection for insertion of banner pages between
print jobs.
Another noteworthy feature is the ability to build complex jobs consisting of
mixed paper sizes and orientations.
— Although an approximate amount of remaining paper is displayed when the
user clicks on a particular paper drawer on a graphical depiction of the
product in the driver, the information is not accurate unless the user first
updates the information. Updating the information is not practical since it
cannot be done within the application and is a procedure that requires 12
clicks of the mouse.
The unit supports simultaneous RIP and print, which means that printing
can begin while the document is still being processed and another can be
processed while a job is printing.
When printing multiple collated sets, Collate can be selected from either
the print screen within the application or from the properties screen of the
driver without increasing the size of the file.
— When a print job requiring a paper size that is not currently available on the
device is sent to the device, other copy and print jobs sent to the device are
held up until a user rectifies the situation.
Canon imageRUNNER 3570 UFR II Paper Source Tab
This report has been reproduced with the written permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report, in whole or part, in any form or manner,
without the written permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. © 2006 Buyers Laboratory Inc. To purchase reprints,
contact BLI at (201) 488-0404 (x17) or at [email protected].