Kenco Engineering ASF Sight Flow Indicator User Manual
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FVSF/ASF: These low pressure type sight flow indicators used for both horizontal
and vertical flow, must not be installed where mechanical strains are present in the
pipelines. Any pipeline stresses imposed on these units will greatly affect the
reliability of the glass.
*** CAUTION: Prior to start up compare the data on the information tag to the
conditions of the system. If any discrepancy is apparent, contact KENCO for
clarification and advice.
Gaskets and seals frequently assume a compression-set (loss of resiliency) over a
period of time. Some materials tend to compression-relieve or creep. It is
recommended that the unit have its glass retainer fasteners retorqued to the proper
value before start-up.
*** CAUTION: Do not tighten any fasteners while the equipment is in operation.
Check the glass in the unit prior to start-up to ensure that there are no chips, scratches,
or blemishes. Use a flashlight or another source of bright concentrated light to
examine the glass carefully. If any type of flaw is apparent, start-up should be delayed
pending the replacement of the glass and gaskets.
Periodic visual inspections should be made to ensure that no leaks are evident and
that there is no clouding, scratching, or blemishing of the glass. In new installations,
daily inspections are recommended to establish a routine inspection cycle.
Keep glasses clean, using commercial glass cleaners. Cleaning must be done without
removing the glass. Never use harsh abrasives, wire brushes, steel wool, metal
scrapers or other materials could scratch the glass.
*** CAUTION: Do not attempt to clean when the equipment is in operation.
To examine for scratches, shine a bright concentrated light at about a 45 degree angle
to the glass. Anything that glistens brightly must be looked at closely. Any scratch
that glistens and catches a fingernail is cause for glass replacement. If the inner
surface appears cloudy or roughened and will not respond to cleaning procedures, the
glass must be replaced, since this is evidence of a chemical attack.