Watts USG-B User Manual
Series usg-b, Under sink guardian, For residential and commercial applications

Job Name ______________________________________ Contractor ______________________________________
Job Location ____________________________________ Approval ________________________________________
Engineer ________________________________________ Contractor’s P.O. No. ____________________________
Approval ________________________________________ Representative __________________________________
For Residential and Commercial Applications
Series USG-B
Under Sink Guardian
The USG-B-M2 Under Sink Guardian
" (10mm) compression
and Quick-Connect fitting ther mo stat ic mix ing valves maintain
and limit hot water to desired se lect able temperature between
80°F and 120°F (27°C and 49°C) with flow rates as low as 0.5
gpm (1.9 lpm) and as high as 2.25 gpm (8.5 lpm). The mix ing
valve is listed to ASSE Standard 1070 for sin gle fix ture applica-
tions and IAPMO cUPC. The su pe ri or flow char ac ter is tics of
these valves provide tem per a ture con trol with low pres sure
drop. As an add ed fea ture, the USG-B-M2 in cor po rates dual
check valves to pro tect against cross-flow and integral screens
to filter out debris.
• Installs easily between the stop valves and faucet
• Includes tamper resistant locking nut to prevent accidental
• Built-in check valves prevent migration of hot water to cold
and cold water to hot water piping
• Provided with cap for three port application
• Integral strainer with 40 mesh stainless steel screens
to filter out debris
The unit is intended for under sink installation to con trol the hot
water temperature and minimize the occurrence of ac ci den tal
scald ing. The water temperature must be adjusted by the in stall-
er using a thermometer to measure the hot water tem per a ture
at the faucet outlet. Maximum tem per a ture of 105°F (41°C) is
A Thermostatic Mixing Valve shall be installed on the hot water
supply to the fix ture. The valve shall be ASSE Standard 1070 and
IAPMO cUPC listed and control the temperature of the hot water.
It shall have a bronze 4-port, “H” pattern body and shall include
integral check valves, integral screens and an ad just ment nut
with locking fea ture. The valve shall be pro vid ed with
" (10mm)
male com pres sion or Quick-Connect fittings. The valve shall be
Watts Series USG-B.
For satin chrome finish specify – SC
is a registered trademark of SABIC Innovative Plastics
ASSE 1070 and cUPC Listed
Body: Bronze
Stainless steel
Thermostat: Copper
O-rings: EPDM
Listing: ASSE 1070, IAPMO cUPC
Approval Standards: ASSE 1070, CSA B125.3
Pressure – Temperature
Minimum supply pressure: 30psi (207 kPa)
Hot inlet temperature: 120°F-180°F (49°C-82°C)
Cold inlet temperature: 39°F-80°F (3.8°C-27°C)
Minimum inlet temperature differential: 5°F (2.8°C)
Temperature range: 80°F-120°F (27°C-49°C)
Maximum pressure: 150psi (10.3 bar)
Minimum flow: 0.5 gpm (1.9 lpm)
ASSE 1070
Watts product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements,
please contact Watts Technical Service. Watts reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials with-
out prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or subsequently sold.