Watts WPC1FF975 User Manual
Watts, Pleated cartridges

Filter media is pleated
Cellulose-FREE, 100% synthetic media
Wide range of lengths and micron ratings
Individually wrapped for purity
Washable and reusable, 5 micron and up
Color-coded end caps (2-3/4” OD)
New lower list price
Greater dirt holding capacity; more surface area;
lower initial pressure drop; higher flow rates;
longer life; reduced filtration costs.
Superior performance with no additives or binders to break
down which may cause foaming and filter degradation.
Full product line to satisfy your application.
Additional security at no additional charge.
Reduce filter replacement costs.
Easily identify standard OD replacements.
Reduced filter costs for higher profits.
Watts, cellulose-free, 100% synthetic filter media
allows the pleats to retain their form, maintaining a
large amount of surface area. This allows the car-
tridge to handle higher solids loading and flow rates
with a lower pressure drop that increases the filter
efficiency and life, while reducing filter change out
costs and frequency.
The cellulose blended pleats collapsed on one
another, blinding off large amounts of the
cartridges surface area. Premature blinding of the
surface area reduces the flow capacity and effi-
ciency while raising the differential pressure, and
contributing to shorter filter life and frequent filter
change outs.
The difference is the media!
Not all pleated cartridges perform the same!
Pleated Cartridges
Greater surface area, longer life,
reduced filtration costs!
Watts pleated cartridges outperform wound, spun, melt
blown, resin bonded and other “depth” style filter elements
because our pleated cartridges provide increased surface
area, lower pressure drop and longer service life. Our
100% synthetic media is washable and cleanable, five
micron and up, to reduce filtration costs.