Watts FMRO5-MT User Manual

Page 6

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Note: When tank is empty, faucet will steadily
drip. This is the rate the RO system processes

2. With faucet handle in "open" position, measure

the rate of the steady drip from spout. Use a
graduated cylinder and watch with a second
hand to calculate approximate production in
gallons per day.

Milliliters per minute X 0.38 = GPD.
Ounces per minute X 11.2 = GPD

3. Proceed







disconnecting tubing at drain connection and
measure flow as described above.

Note: Proper ratio should be 3 reject water to
1 part of product water, on average.

4. Close faucet and re-inspect system for leaks.

5. Allow






approximately four hours, at which point tank
will be practically full.

6. Open faucet again and allow tank to empty for a

second time.

Do not use this water.

7. Wait another four hours to allow tank to re-fill.

Note: If no objectionable tastes are noticed after
second tank draining, RO processed water is ready
for use. Otherwise, drain tank and re-fill for a third

8. At this point supply line to ice maker connection

(optional) may be opened.


Your RO system contains filters and membranes
which must be replaced periodically for proper
operation. (Please see page 1 for general change-
out recommendations.)

Note: Change-out procedures may be amended,
depending on source water conditions.

To change filters and membranes follow these

1. Close feed water valve by turning it clockwise.
2. Open faucet to allow holding tank to drain.
3. Loosen and remove filter housings using

wrench provided and discard cartridges and or

4. Wash the inside of the housings using mild

detergent and soft cloth. Thoroughly rinse all
soap before reassembly.

5. Replace filter cartridges and membrane before

sanitizing system.


The system should be sanitized before

installing the activated carbon post filter cartridge.

Sanitizing instructions

To sanitize system follow these procedures with the
feed water valve closed:

1. Remove






2. Use 5-1/4% unscented bleach such as Clorox.
3. Add one cap full (2 tsp or 10 ml) of bleach to

each pre-filter housing and membrane module.

4. Carefully refill housings with tap water and

temporarily replace without carbon cartridge,
sediment cartridge or membrane installed.

5. Slowly open the feed water line at faucet.
6. Close faucet as soon as water begins to drip

out of spout.

7. Let system stand for approximately 15 minutes.
8. After fifteen minutes do the following in order:

Close feed water valve.
Close holding tank valve while faucet is
open to release pressure.

9. Remove housings and empty them.
10. Remove any protective wrap from pre-filters

and membrane and install them in the
appropriate filter housings. Tighten with wrench.

11. Replace post carbon filter if necessary.


Be sure to check o-rings are in place when
installing cartridges in filter housings.

12. Disconnect product water tubing from the

holding tank and put 50 drops of bleach into the
tubing. Reconnect tubing.

13. Slowly open feed water saddle valve. When

water begins to drip from faucet, close faucet
and open holding tank valve.

14. Do not open faucet for at least eight (8) hours.
15. Discard the first two tanks of water produced,

as they contain chlorine.

Do not use this


16. When faucet is first opened, air and black

carbon powder may be noticed. This is normal.