1 introduction, 1 description of the instrument, Introduction 1 – Metrohm 832 KF Thermoprep User Manual

Page 5: Description of the instrument

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1.1 Description of the instrument

832 KF Thermoprep, Introduction


1 Introduction

Thanks to its reliability and simple handling, the Metrohm 832 KF Ther-
moprep is a very versatile instrument. It has been designed for use in
production and laboratories and covers a wide range of applications.
The 832 KF Thermoprep can be used wherever it is necessary to heat
up a solid or liquid sample and/or to drive off water by the application of

When combined with a coulometric or volumetric KF titrator, the 832 KF
Thermoprep forms the ideal analytical system for determining the water
content of samples which contain interfering components or which only

release their moisture slowly.
Among the decisive advantages of the KF Thermoprep is the reduction
of sample preparation to a minimum. By using hermetically sealed

sample vessels (headspace vials) the samples can be filled directly on
site. The PTFE-coated septa guarantee a constant and true water con-

tent, even when the sample have been allowed to stand for a long time.

1.1 Description of the instrument

The 832 KF Thermoprep has been designed primarily for the determina-

tion of moisture by the oven method. The samples are heated in the
oven block and release their moisture in the form of water vapor; this is
transferred to a measuring cell by a carrier gas. The carrier gas stream
is produced by a built-in air pump. An inlet valve is also provided for the
use of nitrogen or other inert gases. The determination of moisture in

the measuring cell can be carried out either coulometrically or volumet-
rically according to the Karl Fischer method.
The 832 KF Thermoprep is characterized by its compact construction;
the oven heating block, air pump, temperature controller, flowmeter and

flow controller as well as the drying bottles are already built in.