Calculated Industries 3058 User Manual

Page 37

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Manually Weighted Letter Grades

Enter and average these weighted letter
grades using manual weighting:

Grade #

G r a d e

Wt Factor

#1 (Homework)

B +

1 (or 10%)

#2 (Quizzes)

C –

2 (or 20%)

#3 (Mid-term )

A –

7 (or 70%)

S t e p / K e y s t ro k e s

D i s p l a y

1 . Clear calculator:

[On/C] [On/C]

0 .

2 . Enter the weighted grades:

[ B + ]

1 8 8 . 3 3

B +

[C–] 2 [Wt]

2 71.67 C –

[A–] 7 [Wt]

3 91.67 A –

3 . Find the average for grades:

[ Avg]

3 87.33 B +


the diff e rence between weighted and

unweighted grades. In the Averaging Letter
G r a d e s

e x e rcise, where no grade weight -

ing was applied, the same grades earn e d
only a B average. With grade weighting,
this student earned a B +.

U s e r ’s Guide – 3 7