Calculated Industries 3058 User Manual

Page 19

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Resetting Maximum and Minimum
Points to Defaults

S t e p / K e y s t ro k e s

D i s p l a y

1 . R e t u rn the maximum and minimum
points to their defaults:

[ O ff] [On/C]

0 .

2 . Verify the maximum points is 100:

[Max Pts]


3 . Verify the maximum points for A+:

[Max Pts]

100.0 A+

N o t e :

To verify the entire table for maximum

points, continue pressing [Max Pts].

4 . Verify the minimum points:

[Min Pts]

6 0 .

5 . Verify the minimum points for A+:

[Min Pts]

96.66 A+

N o t e :

To verify the entire table for minimum

points, continue pre s s i n g [Min Pts].

U s e r ’s Guide – 1 9