Grading display – Calculated Industries 3058 User Manual

Page 14

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Grading Display

The number “12” re p resents the num-
ber of grade entries, the value to its

right is the numerical value of the last

entry (defined by the grade format). To
the right of the numerical value is the
c o r responding letter grade. All are

identified by annunciators. (N U M, %
and G R A D E). “AV G” appears when

averaging grades.

“ E rror” & “None” Messages

When an entry is incorrect or an
answer is beyond the range of the cal-
c u l a t o r, the word “Error” will display.
When this occurs, press any key and
continue where you left off. In some

cases, such as averaging grades, the
word “None” will display to indicate
that a grade value is re q u i red before a

value can be calculated, or the grade
selected is not available due to pre f e r-

ence settings.

1 4 – GradeMatic 4000™