Grade weighting – Calculated Industries 3058 User Manual

Page 35

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Grade Weighting

GradeMatic 4000 p rovides a grade

weighting feature that can be used to

weigh a grade more heavily than oth-
ers. For example, the following table
shows that homework and quizzes

account for 50% of a student’s average,
while the grade earned on his or her
m i d - t e rm accounts for the re m a i n i n g


G r a d e

% of

W t

is for:

E a rn e d G rd Avg Va l u e

H o m e w o r k

B +

20 %

2 Wt

Q u i z z e s

C –

30 %

3 Wt

M i d - t e rm

A –

50 %

5 Wt

T h e re are two methods that may be
used to enter weight factors: manual
grade weighting and automatic grade
weighting. Both are discussed in the
following sections.

Manual Grade We i g h t i n g

If you prefer not to use the automatic

method of grade weighting, you can man-
ually weight individual grades as you
enter them. To manually weight a grade,
enter the grade, the weight value, then
p ress the

[ W t ] key. For example, if a stu-

U s e r ’s Guide – 3 5