Rapid flow installation – Bully Dog 82022 Rapid Flow User Manual

Page 9

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rAPid FlOW inSTAllATiOn

rapid Flow exhaust # 82022

7. At this point it is time to install the Straight

Pipe(s). You will need to measure and cut
the Straight Pipe(s) for the final fit. If you
are installing the 182022, install the “40
Straight Pipe First and then make your mea-

surements. Generally the cut will
be on the 24” Straight Pipe. Keep

in mind when you make your fi-
nal cut you will need to leave an

extra 3 inches of overlap when you cut the
Straight Pipe. Do not cut the flared end.

8. Once the entire exhaust system is in-

stalled, inspect the system to ensure that
no part of the exhaust is in direct contact
with the chassis or body; adjustments
may be necessary.


R e t u r n

to each of the Clamps and tighten
with a 9/16” wrench. Do not over

tighten the Clamps.

Measure for Straight Pipe

Straight Pipe Installation



Catalytic Converter

Straight Pipe

Complete System Installed

