Bonide Eight Yard & Garden RTS User Manual

Page 7

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Celery - See Leafy Vegetables

Cole Crops, Broccoli, Brussels

Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower

Corn - see Sweet Corn

Cucurbits: Balsam pear (bitter melon),

Chinese waxgourd (Chinese preserving

melon), citron melon, cucumber, gherkin,

edible gourds: melons including hybrids

such as cantaloupe, casaba, crenshaw,

honeydew, honey balls, mango melon,

muskmelon, Persian melon, pumpkin,

summer & winter squash, watermelon


Asparagus Beetles,


Larval stages of

Asparagus Beetle,

Tarnished Plant Bug,

Lygus Bugs and Adult

Japanese Beetle
Beet Armyworm,

Cabbage Aphids

and Loopers,

Diamondback Moth,

Imported Cabbage


Aphids, Cabbage

Looper, Cucumber

Beetle (adults),

Cutworms, Leafhoppers,



Pickleworm, Plant

Bugs, Squash Bugs.

How to use:

Apply as needed to

ensure uniform coverage.

Do not make more than

4 applications per crop.

Can be applied up to 3

days prior to harvest.

Treat ferns or bush

growth after spear

harvest when insects

are present.

Apply every 5 days or as

needed. Can be applied up

to 1 day prior to harvest.

Do not make more than 8

applications on Cauliflower,

Brussels Sprouts

and Broccoli and 10

applications on Cabbage.
Apply as needed

to ensure uniform

coverage. Can be

applied up to the day of
