Bonide Eight Yard & Garden RTS User Manual

Page 5

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Ageratum, Aster, Ardisia, Azalea,

Baby’s Breath, Begonia, Birds-nest

Fern, Bleeding Heart, Carnation,

Chrysanthemum, Coleus, Common

Ninebark and Snowberry, Crown

of Thorns, Cockscomb, Cyclamen,

Dracaena, Dumbcane, English

Ivy, Exacum, Fuchsia, Gladiolus,

Grape Ivy, Gold Bells, Hypoestes,

Ivy, Juniper, Lilac, Marigold, Mock-

Orange, Nannyberry, Orchid, Palm,

Pansy, Pea Shrub, Peperomia,

Petunia, Philodendron, Piggy-Back

Plant, Poinsettia, Portulaca, Pothos,

Prayer Plant, Purple Passion,

Rabbits Foot Fern, Rhododendron,

Rose, Schefflera, Snapdragon,

Snake Plant, Statice, Velvet Plant,

Verbena, Zinnia


Aphids, Armyworms,

Bagworms, Boxelder

Bugs, Cabbage

Worms, Cicadas

(Locust), Cornworms,


Exposed Thrips,

Fall Cankerworms,

Fall Webworms,

Fungus Gnats,

Inchworms, Japanese

Beetles, Leafminers,

Leafrollers, Locust,

Mealybugs, Scale

Crawlers, Spring

Cankerworms, Spider

Mites, Whiteflies,

Rose Chafer, Psyllids,

Scale Insects

How to Use:

Try to hit underside of

leaves and penetrate

dense foliage. Spray

in the late afternoon

or evening, when the

temperature ranges

from 50˚F to 75˚F and

when there is little or

no wind. Spray at the

first sign of insects.

Repeat as necessary;

use intervals of 4-8

days. Application can

be made up to the day

of collection.