Bonide Eight Yard & Garden RTS User Manual
Page 6

Almonds, Pecans
(dormant through
delayed dormant)
Pears (summer)
Navel Orangeworms,
Peach Twig Borers.
Green Fruitworms, Aphids,
Leafrollers (Oblique-banded,
Redbanded), Plum Curculio,
Rosy Apple Aphids, Spotted
Tentiform Leafminers, Tarnished
Plant Bugs, White Apple
Leafhoppers, Japanese Beetles
Borers (Lesser Peachtree,
Peach Twig), Green Fruitworms,
Plum Curculio, Oriental Fruit
Moths, Tarnished Plant Bugs
Pear Psylla
Codling Moths, Green
Fruitworms, Pear Psylla, Aphids
How to Use:
Do not make more than 2
applications during hull split
and 5 applications per season.
Can be applied up to 7 days
prior to harvest.
Repeat as required to maintain
control. Do not make more
than 3 applications. Do not
apply after petal fall.
Do not apply within 7 days of
harvest. Do not make more
than 8 applications per season.
Apply during the dormant
through delayed dormant
growth period only. Do not
make more than 2 applications
per season.
Do not make more than 3
applications per season. Can
be applied up to 14 days prior
to harvest.
Apply when insects appear. Wet plants to the dripping point. Try to hit underside of
leaves and penetrate dense foliage.