Bonide Eight Yard & Garden RTS User Manual
Page 4

Arizona Cypress, Azalea,
Birch, Cherry, Non-Bearing
Citrus, Conifers, Elm, English
Ivy, Euonymous, Weeping
Fig, Fir, Honeysuckle,
Lilac, Mock-Orange, Oak,
Palm, Philodendron, Pine,
Poinsettia, Tulip Poplar,
Rhododendron, Taxus
Cherry, Honeysuckle
Douglas and Grand Firs
Non-bearing Citrus
Aphids, Bagworms, Boxelder
Bugs, Cicadas (Locust),
Exposed Thrips, Fall
Cankerworms, Inchworms,
Leafminers, Leafrollers,
Locust, Mealybugs, Spider
Mites, Whiteflies, Gypsy
Moth,Tent Caterpillar,
Japanese Beetles
Fall Webworms
Elm Leaf Beetles, Elm
Spanworms, Fall Webworms
Tussock Moths
Citrus Black Flies
Pine Beetles, Pine Moths, Pine
Needleminers, Needle Scales
How to Use:
Try to penetrate
dense foliage. Spray
in the late afternoon
or evening, when the
temperature ranges
from 50˚F to 75˚F
and when there is
little or no wind.
Spray at the first sign
of insects. Repeat
as necessary; use at
intervals of 4-8 days.
Application can be
made up to the day
of collection.
On Tent caterpillars, application should be made when caterpillars are young and
tents are first noticed. For best results, apply in the late afternoon or evening, when
caterpillars have returned to their tents. Wet tents with spray on all sides. A few
caterpillars may be seen escaping from the tent; however, they should die within
several hours.