How to use your trim tabs, Continued) – Bennett Marine Tournament Tab Kits Owners Manual User Manual

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rUnninG in roUGH waTer
When running in a chop or heavy seas, press “Bow Down”. This will bring the “V” of the
hull in contact with the waves rather than having the waves pound the hull and your
passengers. In a following sea or when running an inlet, the trim tabs should be fully
retracted for maximum control and maneuverability.
CorreCTinG For a lisT
Bennett Trim Tabs may be operated individually so that you can correct for listing.
Your control is designed so that you can use it “intuitively.” Do not think about what
the trim tabs are doing, just concentrate on the bow. If the port bow is high, push the
port side “Bow Down” direction. If the starboard bow is high, push the starboard side
“Bow Down” direction. Press the control in half-second bursts to avoid over-trimming,
allowing time between corrections for the boat to react.
Trim TaBs wiTH Power Trim – GeTTING oPTIMUM SPeeD AND PoWeR
Using your trim tabs in conjunction with your power trim will give you increased speed
and power.
1. Adjust the trim tabs to achieve a planing attitude.
2. Use the power trim to position the prop path parallel to the water flow.
3. If necessary, re-adjust the trim tabs to “fine tune” the trim of your boat. In other words,

use your trim tabs to trim the boat and your power trim to trim your prop.

CorreCTinG For PorPoisinG
Porpoising is a condition more common in faster boats. As speed increases, the bow
repeatedly rises out of the water until gravity overcomes lift and the bow falls down.
Press “Bow Down” in half second bursts. As the trim tabs deflect, the porpoising
subsides and your speed should remain the same or decrease. only a slight amount of
trim tab deflection should be necessary.

saFeTy PreCaUTions

Do not overtrim, particularly at high speeds as the bow will dig in and wave action

may cause the boat to veer.
Use your trim tab helm control with caution.

For best maneuverability, trim tabs should be fully retracted in a following sea, or

when running an inlet.
Improper use of trim tabs can cause an accident or injury.

Bennett Trim Tabs have a significant effect on the operation and versatility of your

boat. No one knows your boat better than you, so the best learning method is

to spend time getting familiar with your boat’s reaction to the trim tabs. As your

experience with Bennett Trim Tabs increases, so will your enjoyment. Always operate

your boat with safety first in mind.

How to Use

Your Trim Tabs
