Superior by design – Bennett Marine Tournament Tab Kits Owners Manual User Manual

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Congratulations, you are the owner of the finest trim tabs available. Bennett Trim

Tabs provide you with control never thought possible. Properly sized trim tabs get you up
on plane quickly and correct listing at nearly any speed, regardless of weight distribution
or sea conditions. These benefits add up to less drag on the hull, reduced engine stress,
increased speed and decreased fuel consumption. If you have any questions not
answered in this manual please feel free to contact us!

Visit the Bennett Marine Web Site! It has a wealth of advice
and information about owning & operating your trim tabs.

Guide to Trim Tabs — includes videos and tips on how to use your tabs for
maximum performance

Tech Help section — features online installation instructions and troubleshooting
, Trim Tab Tips for optimum maintenance, Frequenty Asked Questions, and
even a gallery of Project Boats with installation stories and before-and-after photos

Product Catalog — with featured accessories and an interactive parts diagram
Contact Us page — contact us by phone, e-mail or fill out our convenient online
form. You can expect a prompt response to your questions.

How Trim TaBs work

Bennett Trim Tabs are attached to the bottom edge

of the transom. When the helm control is pressed,

the trim tabs move into position. Water-force on the

trim tab surface creates upward pressure, raising

the stern and lowering the bow. Properly sized trim

tabs improve the performance of your boat in a wide

range of weight, weather and water


Bennett Trim Tabs operate the

reverse of what you might think. The

port trim tab controls the starboard

bow. Conversely, the starboard trim

tab controls the port bow. The helm control is wired so that all you

have to do is press the control in the direction you want the bow to

move. Don’t worry about which trim tab is moving. The proper use of

Bennett Trim Tabs becomes second nature after a short time.


by Design