Clearing fault codes – Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems VORAD EVT-300 TROUBLESHOOTING User Manual

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Fault Isolation Procedures

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Fault Code Retrieval and Clearing


Note: Retrieve Bendix



system fault codes by enabling

the VORAD system’s self-diagnostic mode.

You can also use a PC-based Service Tool, such as ServiceRanger
2.8, or a Pro-Link tool, to retrieve VORAD system fault codes.

1. Put the vehicle in neutral.

2. Set the parking brake.

3. To activate Failure Display Mode, press in and hold

the Driver Display Unit “VOLUME” knob while turning the
key on.

Note: For software versions 013 and higher, hold “VOLUME” knob

in for 8 seconds.

4. Wait until the Driver Display Unit’s red “FAIL” indicator

light begins fl ashing two-digit fault codes and release
the volume knob. If no fault codes are found, the Driver
Display Unit will fl ash a code 41. At the conclusion of
fl ashing the fault codes, the system will fl ash a code 41.

5. TO READ ACTIVE FAULT CODES: Position the Driver

Display Unit “RANGE” knob to the left of center and only
active codes will be sent to the “FAIL” indicator light.

6. TO READ INACTIVE FAULT CODES: Position the Driver

Display Unit “RANGE” knob to the right of center and
only inactive codes will be sent to the “FAIL” indicator

7. Observe the sequence of fl ashes on the indicator lamp

and record the codes. A one to two second pause
separates each stored code, and at the conclusion of
fl ashing the fault codes, the system will fl ash a code 41.
The sequence automatically repeats after all codes have
been fl ashed.


1. Inactive fault codes must be cleared using a PC-based

Service Tool, such as ServiceRanger 2.8, or a Pro-Link

2. Active fault codes change to inactive fault codes when

the fault has been corrected. Clear inactive fault codes.

3. Turn key off and allow system to power down.

4. Start vehicle and verify no fault codes reoccur.