Baumfolder corporation, Scoring on your baumfolder – Baumfolder Older Folder User Manual
Page 24

Baumfolder Corporation
coring on your Baumfolder
The folder can be used to score a sheet and deliver flat, or score a sheet after a fold or folds
have been made.
To ensure accuracy in making right angle folds, always score the sheet where the fold or
folds are to be made. This applies in all instances when a perforator cannot be used. A rule
to remember is to fold up (fold in # 1 or / and #3 fold plate), score down. To fold down (#3
or/and #4 fold plate), score up. There are some, which claim the opposite is correct. Both
opinions are presented so you can try them both and make your own decision. Most of the
folder operators have the first opinion and the paper manufacturers have the second opinion.
There are different types of score blades. The narrow or light score blade is used most of the
time. The heavy score blade or wide score blade is used when folding bulk or several
sheets. You can score against a rubber collar, score between scoring collars, or a scoring
die. To mount the Score Blade on the Blade Holder, place the two screw into the collar
through the score blade. Do not tighten them until the collar and blade are put on the slitter
shaft. Then tighten the two screws.
Scoring against a scoring die gives a press type score.
This is the best type score for hand folds later or
folding in the next fold section. This type score is only
used with folders that have an adjustable slitter shaft.
The score blade runs in the groove in the scoring die.
It is important to center the score blade in the groove.
Adjust the score blade so there is space between the
score blade and the scoring die. Adjust the slitter shaft
to get the best score.
Scoring between two slitter collars is probable the best for
folders without adjustable slitter shafts. The scoring collars have
a rounded side and a beveled side on each collar. The purpose
for this is to create different types of scores. The two rounded
edges toward the score blade create a softer score. The two
beveled edges toward the score blade create a sharper score.
Moving the scoring collars closer to or away from the score
blade increases or decrease the depth of the score. If you use
the scoring collars with one beveled side and one rounded side
toward the score blade, the score will be crooked. As a helpful hint, use the rounded edges
toward the score blade. Take regular cloth tape like you use in first aid, and place ½ on one
collar and ½ on the other collar. The tape will span from one collar to the other. Turn the
hand wheel of the folder until you came to where you started and cut the tape. This will give
you a soft surface to score against. You can still move the collars in and out without
changing the tape.
(continued on next page)
Baumfolder Corporation
1660 Campbell Rd. Sidney, OH 45365 Copyright © 2002
Ph: 1-800-543-6107 Fax: 937-492-7280 email: [email protected]