Calibration of the zero baumset device, Baumfolder corporation – Baumfolder Older Folder User Manual

Page 15

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Baumfolder Corporation

( step 7 continued )

thumbscrews. Set the number three FOLD PLATE STOP at three and five eight’s.
Tighten the Thumbscrews.

8. Turn one sheet through the folder until it leaves the folder and is ready to enter the

SLITTER SHAFTS. Place a PULL OUT TIRE approximately one inch from the left side of
the sheet on the top shaft and one PULL OUT TIRE approximately one inch from the
right side of the sheet. Turn the hand wheel to allow the folded sheet to leave the Slitter
Shaft. Place two Pull Out tires directly the ones on the top shaft. Be sure to lock the brass
point set screws in the pull out tires so they do not move.

9. Now turn the hand wheel several times to be sure nothing is loose and everything is in it’s

proper position, that hands, hair and all body parts are clear of the folder and that all
guards are in the proper location. Now, start the folder and air pump (if applicable). Run
one sheet and check the fold. Use the micrometer adjustments for the minor adjustments.


Before the automatic roll setting feature can be used, it is necessary to calibrate it to ensure
that the fold rolls are suspended the proper amount when paper is inserted into the Baumset
tension screws. To calibrate the Zero Baumset, you should do the following:


Tear or cut some strips of paper approximately
½” x 1” in length. It is best to use 50-60# offset
stock or equivalent, but some other weight can
be used providing the same stock is used for all
the adjustments.


Push down on the lever for the #1 Baumset on
the left hand side of the folder. Insert a single
thickness of one of the paper strips, prepared in
step #1, in the Baumset tension screw. Gently
push up on the Baumset lever to make sure it is


Loosen the Baumset knob assembly, which
locks the tension screw in place.


Insert a single thickness of paper stock, of the
same weight as used in the Zero Baumset
device, between the #1 fold roll and the
stationary fold roll. Be sure the paper is free of
tears or folds. The strip of paper should be
inserted approximately 1” from the left hand roll band or between the first rubber
segment of the combination fold roll. To insert the strip of paper, turn the handwheel

(continued on next page)

Setting up a Job – Calibration of the zero Baumset


Baumfolder Corporation

1660 Campbell Rd. Sidney, OH 45365 Copyright © 2002

Ph: 1-800-543-6107 Fax: 937-492-7280 email: [email protected]