Audio Developments AD255 User Manual
Page 3

Being latter-day converts, we have included circuitry to take full advantage of all M-S
techniques - even shuffling - in both production and post-production.
AD149 is Audio Developments' tribute to, and celebration of the genius of Alan
Well - we HAD every intention that AD149 would complete the 140 series.
We'd reckoned, however, without the persistence - nay, insistence - of our customers
for a mains-operated version of the AD146 with four auxiliaries ...
we've called it AD144.
Radical change and PICO have proved to be uneasy bedfellows: never a matinée
idol and denied its dulce et decorum death, AD145 has now been repackaged in the
140 series metalwork - thereby reducing its size and weight. Facilities remain
largely unchanged: internally, the microphone amplifier has been replaced with
the one designed for AD146 and externally, the mono return is now in stereo form.
Now designated AD245, shall we have PICO - like the poor - always with us?
With the advent of multi-track recording and its general acceptance as a useful tool in
drama and film location; our market research has indicated a need for a sound mixer
with facilities similar to AD245 but with multi-track features. The addition of direct
outputs from each input and two auxiliary busses make up the main extra features
over those of AD 245. The analogue meters have been replaced by two LCD displays
to enable the signal levels of the two main outputs, two auxiliaries and an input
module to be monitored simultaneously.