Eng lish – BenQ DV2050 User Manual

Page 36

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The On-Screen Display (OSD) Menu



Canadian English TV Ratings

Canadian French TV Ratings


Content base



E (Exempt (no


Exempt programming includes: news, sports, documentaries

and other information programming; talk shows, music videos,

and variety programming.

C (Children)

Programming intended for children with this designation must

adhere to the provisions of the Children's section of the

Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) Voluntary Code on

Violence in TV Programming.

C8+ (Children, eight

years and older)

This classification is applied to children's programming that is

generally considered acceptable for youngsters 8 years and over

to view on their own. It is suggested that a parent/guardian co-

view programming assigned this classification with younger

children under the age of 8.

G (General

Programming, suitable

for all ages)

This is programming intended for a broad, general audience.

While not designed specifically for children, it is understood that

younger viewers may be part of the audience. Therefore

programming within this classification shall contain very little

violence, either physical, verbal or emotional.

PG (Parental Guid-


This programming, while intended for a general audience, may

not be suitable for younger children (under the age of 8).

Parents/guardians should be aware that there might be content

elements which some could consider inappropriate for

unsupervised viewing by children in the 8-13 age range.

14+ (Viewers 14 years

and older)

Programming with this classification contains themes or content

elements which might not be suitable for viewers under the age

of 14. Parents are strongly cautioned to exercise discretion in

permitting viewing by pre-teens and early teens without parent/

guardian supervision, as programming with this classification

could deal with mature themes and societal issues in a realistic


18+ (Adult


This classification applies to programming which could contain

any or all of the following content elements which would make

the program unsuitable for viewers under the age of 18.


Content base



G (Général)

Cette émission convient à un public de tous âges. Elle ne

contient aucuneviolence ou la violence qu'elle contient est

minime, ou bien traitée sur le mode de l'humour, de la

caricature, ou de manière irréaliste.

8 ans+ (Général-

Déconseillé aux jeunes

enfants )

Cette émission convient à un public large mais elle contient une

violence légère ou occasionnelle qui pourrait troubler de jeunes

enfants. L'écoute en compagnie d'un adulte est donc

recommandée pour les jeunes enfants (âgés de moins de 8 ans)

qui ne font pas la différence entre le réel et l'imaginaire.

13 ans + (Cette

émission peut ne pas

convenir aux enfants de

moins de 13 ans)

Elle contient soit quelques scènes de violence, soit une ou des

scènes d'uneviolence assez marquée pour les affecter. L'écoute

en compagnie d'un adulte est donc fortement recommandée

pour les enfants de moins de 13 ans.

16 ans + (Cette

émission ne convient

pas aux moins de 16


Elle contient de fréquentes scènes de violence ou des scènes

d'une violenceintense.

18 ans + (Cette

émission est réservée

aux adultes)

Elle contient une violence soutenue ou des scènes d'une

violence extrême.