Installation instructions, Preparation, Applying the coating – WarmlyYours FeelsWarm® Countertop Heating User Manual
Page 5: After application

2. Wear gloves and appropriate clothing.
3. Cover surface of the work area and the carpet or flooring under the countertop to protect these areas from drips or spills
of the Surface Prep Coating.
4. On the underside of the counter, use a pencil to mark the general outline of where the heater will be attached. Surface
Prep Coating should be carefully applied to the area, ensuring that the perimeter of the heater will be attached to coated
IMPORTANT: Once the two cans of epoxy are mixed together, the coating has a limited work life. Do not mix
the ingredients until just prior to brushing on the coating. The mixed epoxy will begin to harden in about
15 minutes.
One (1) ounce of mixed liquid coating covers 2/3 of a square foot.
Alternatively, for every square foot of coverage, 1.5 ounces of Surface Prep Coating is needed.
Applying the Coating
1. Combine the entire contents of the cans containing both Part A and Part B of the epoxy. If there is enough room, pour
the contents of one container into the other. For best results, pour the contents of both containers into a third container
(which will need to be discarded after use). Use the tongue depressor to stir the coating.
2. Use the enclosed brush to apply a thin layer of the Surface Prep Coating to the underside of the countertop. Start
by applying an inch-wide path (inside the penciled outline) around the entire perimeter of where the heater will be
attached. The coating must cover where the edges of the heater will attach to the countertop. It is not critical to coat the
entire surface where the heating element attaches, but you may do so if there is enough coating available.
3. Brush on the coating in thick strokes. The consistency of coating is similar to thick honey. The coating will not drip down
vertically if a thin coat is applied.
4. Complete the application quickly. The coating will start to harden and will no longer be usable within 15 to 20 minutes
after mixing the epoxy.
After Application
1. The coating will harden completely in 90 minutes (at 70 degrees F). Avoid touching the coating prior to that time.
2. After 90 minutes, the surface is ready.
3. Wipe the surface with isopropyl alcohol prior to installing the heater.
4. Attach the heating element to the counter following the instructions in this manual.
Customer Support
For questions or support, contact WarmlyYours at (800) 875-5285 or go to
Installation Instructions