Ev2-manual_20003-g_9 – WarmlyYours Environ II Floor Heating System User Manual
Page 9

If you are using a thermostat with a fl oor sensor, tape the sensor
to the top surface, or the bottom surface, of the Environ II heating
panel, centered between two heater wires, at least 6” into the heated
area. Run the sensor cable off the heater and back to the thermostat
in the same channel as the power supply cords. The “heater wires”
within the heater are identifi ed as raised parallel lines, either 2” or
3” apart. The sensor wire can cross over the foil heater wires. The
sensor probe must use a jacketed wire, this wire needs to be rated
80°C minimum.
Once the carpet cushion has been fi tted in the normal manner, remove your Environ
II panel from the packaging tube, unroll it completely and place it in the required
position on top of the carpet cushion.
When positioning the panel on the carpet cushion, be aware of the following:
• Keep it at least 1’ from any edge of the area to be carpeted, (to prevent the
spikes of the power stretcher damaging the panel when the carpet is being
fi tted);
• Ensure the power supply cables can reach the thermostat point to which
they will be connected;
• Wherever possible, run the power supply cables parallel or at right angles to
the walls, and avoid high-traffi c areas;
• Wherever possible, keep the corner where the power supply cable enters the
panel away from high traffi c areas;
• NEVER run the power supply cables under or over the panels;
• To make your installation easier, Environ II panels may be laid either side up;
• When fi tting more than one panel in a room, the panels MUST NOT
OVERLAP, as overheating will result.
• VERIFY the panels recieved are the correct voltage.
Smooth out the panel and adhere the heater to the underlay with adhesive tape
as set out below. Any adhesive tape will do.
After deciding the route that your power supply cables will take from
the panel to the point of supply, cut a 1/4”-wide channel in the carpet
cushion along this route and drop the power supply cables into this
channel. You may also need to remove a small section of carpet
cushion from under the panel at the point where the power supply
cord enters the panel, to prevent an unsightly lump on the carpet
surface and excessive wear on that part of the panel.
Heating panels shall be installed not closer than 200 mm (8 inches)
from heating supply ducts, or any other heating appliances or other
source of heat. When installing two or more Environ II heating panels
next to each other, the distance between the last wire on the edge
of a panel, and the fi rst wire on the edge of the next panel, has to
be minimum 3” inches. The heating wires in adjacent panels cannot
overlap and we recommend the use of duck tape to assure that they
will not overlap over time.
The major factors affecting discoloration of a carpet are:
• the nature of the fi bers,
• the type of coloring process and it’s application to fi bers, yarns, or fabric,
• the color range from pastels to dark colors,
• the temperature level if the heat is trapped under a high level of insulation
such as a futon mattress, bean seat or a dog bed,
• the length of time the carpet is exposed to higher temperature.
In our experience, the Environ II, which is powered at approximately 10-watt/
sq.feet does not cause carpet discoloration when installed under the conditions
of this Installation Manual, specifi cally the section “Restrictions on Furniture
Placement and Precautions”.
However, if excessive insulation is placed for long periods of time over a heated
carpet area, some carpets of lighter colors, and lower quality will probably be
the fi rst to be subject to discoloration.