UVP Visi-Blue Transilluminators User Manual
Visi-blue transilluminators, Operating instructions

IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions before operating
your UVP Transilluminator to familiarize yourself with its operation.
The Visi-Blue™ Transilluminators easily convert existing 365nm UV to 480nm blue light emitting no harmful UV
energy. Visi-Blue Transilluminators are designed for use with GelStar®, GFP, SYBR® green, Vistra Green,
SYPRO® Orange and Ethidium Bromide stains. As compared to UV, the blue light can transmit through almost
any transparent (plastic, glass, acrylic, etc.) laboratory equipment. This is essential when monitoring and detect-
ing DNA migration and Protein expression in “real time.” When used in imaging applications, use the proper
photographic filter to eliminate/reduce the background. The amber colored protective cover blocks blue light
transmission and allows visualization of all media above 500nm.
Important Safety Information
A word of caution: Visi-Blue Transilluminators are equipped with ultraviolet tubes which are powerful sources of
365nm (blacklight/longwave) UV radiation. When inspecting or replacing 365nm UV tubes, it is IMPORTANT that
UV Blocking Eyewear (faceshield recommended) is worn to avoid unportected eye and face exposure.
Visi-Blue Transilluminators
Operating Instructions