System components and operation, Operating the unit, Usage notes – UVP Luminescence Calibration Standard User Manual
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LED Calibration Standard
System Components and Operation
Refer to the packing slip and the picture below for specific parts and components included with the system.
Operating the Unit
1. Turn the power switch to the ON (
I) position. The Status Indicator Light will glow yellow. The LED Light in the
Aperture may not be visible to the naked eye in strong ambient light or with an emission filter selected.
2. Wait approximately one minute for the Status Indicator Light to extinguish. This indicates that the LED output
has stabilized and that the Standard is ready for use.
3. Rotate the Filter Selection Wheel to the appropriate position for the application. The appropriate position is
the one in which the LED Aperture’s output most closely matches the comparison source (such as a
chemiluminescent sample) without being oversaturated. The relative light output in each position is:
Setting 1: 100%
Setting 2: 10%
Setting 3: 1%
Setting 4: 0.1%
4. Place the Luminescence Calibration Standard in the imaging device along with the comparison source.
5. Adjust the camera settings using UVP’s VisionWorks
LS software so that the comparison source and
Focusing Aid are both in focus. Then, capture the image.
6. Use the VisionWorksLS “Area Density” analysis tool to compare the relative intensities of the Standard’s
LED Light Aperture and comparison source.
7. Capture additional images with other comparison sources if desired.
8. Once testing is complete, turn the Standard’s power switch to the OFF (
O) position.
Usage Notes
1. For image intensity comparisons to be meaningful, it is important to keep as many experimental variables as
constant as possible. To do so:
Maintain constant camera exposure times and lens aperture settings;
Keep the camera and imaging environment temperature as constant as possible; and
Place the LED aperture in the same location relative to the camera lens between trials to maintain
a static light angle and path.
2. A second comparison source is not required for all experiments. For example, a comparison of lens
efficiencies is possible by simply using the Luminescence Calibration Standard and switching lenses.
LED Light Aperture
Status Indicator
Neutral Density
Filter Selection
Power Switch
Power Indicator
Focusing Aid
Compartment Door