UVP Automated BioLite User Manual
Page 11

Automated BioLite MultiSpectral Light Source
a. Fiber Optic Lighting: Press this button to select either Epi or Transillumination lighting.
Note that both epi and transillumination cannot be used simultaneously.
b. Light Source: Press this button to turn the halogen light bulb on or off. When the bulb is
on, the lower indicator light to the left of the switch will glow red.
Light Intensity: Press the rocker switch toward Max to increase the relative intensity of
the lighting. Inversely, press the rocker switch toward Min to decrease the relative
intensity of the lighting. Lighting is provided in six increments, indicated on the LCD
display to the left of the rocker switch.
d. Filter Position: Press the rocker switch toward + to move to the next excitation filter
position. Inversely, press the rocker switch toward – to move to the previous excitation
filter position. There are a total of eight filter positions; the current position will be indicated
on the LCD display to the left of the rocker switch.
Fiber Optic Lighting
Light Source Switch
Light Intensity Switch
Filter Position Switch