Introduction – Buffalo Technology WHR3-G54 User Manual
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• Optional external antennas for boosting range and signal quality.
• Buffalo’s AOSS System for easy, secure wireless client confi guration.
Home Networking
Buffalo AirStation wireless access points enable
sharing broadband by simply connecting the
AirStation to a DSL or Cable modem to:
• Share fi les and printers
• Access and share the Internet
• Share media fi les
SOHO/SMB Networking
With high-speed DSL or Cable connections readily available, many users can work effectively from
a home offi ce, connected securely to a corporate network. Buffalo’s solutions are ideal for home
networks that require secure, high-speed access to the corporate LAN. Tools that play an integral
part in Buffalo’s solutions include VPN connectivity for secure access to corporate resources, which
enable the remote employee to handle information from clients or coworkers as if they were in the
offi ce. Connect the Buffalo AirStation Broadband router AP to a Cable or DSL modem in order to:
•Share broadband access
•Share fi les and printers
•Bridge between multiple networks and multiple computer platforms
•Provide easy and secure access to home or company networks from remote locations