Advanced settings – Buffalo Technology WHR3-G54 User Manual
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IEEE802.1x/EAP authentication (WPA) - Confi gure Authentication and WPA Settings.
Disable - Do not use any RADIUS Server based authentication.
Enable - Authorized clients access this AirStation via a RADIUS Server.
Use 802.1x/EAP to authorize every wireless client who wants to access the AirStation by using
802.1x/EAP and a RADIUS Server. The RADIUS server provides login information for every user
establishing a more secure system than TKIP or other fi xed encryption key methods. This also
reduces the amount of necessary key maintenance.
A RADIUS server is necessary for IEEE802.1x/EAP authentication. Enter [RADIUS Server], {RA-
DIUS Port] and [RADIUS Key] information.
RADIUS authentication
RADIUS Server - Enter RADIUS server IP address.
RADIUS Port - Enter port number for authentication.
RADIUS Key - Encryption key between RADIUS Sever and the AirStation. Enter the same key as
registered in the server. Use a 1 to 256 character alphanumeric code.
Advanced Settings
- WRB2-G54K (2 pages)
- WBR-G54 (2 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WLI-CB-G54HP (12 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WYR-G54 (61 pages)
- WMR-G54 (20 pages)
- WBR2-G54S (95 pages)
- WLI-USB-L11G (32 pages)
- DriveStation HD-HBU2 (8 pages)
- AirStation WHR-G54S (93 pages)
- WLI-U2-G300N (13 pages)
- LinkStation HD-HG250LAN (2 pages)
- WBMR-G54 (121 pages)
- WHR-HP-G54 (16 pages)
- WLI2-PCI-G54S (45 pages)
- Buffalo Network USB Print Server LPV3-U2 (24 pages)
- WHR-G300N (48 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation MIMO240 Wireless Cable/DSL Router WZR-G240 (74 pages)
- WLI-U2-KG54-AI (2 pages)
- AIRSTATION WLI2-USB2-G54 (2 pages)
- WLI-CB-G54S (40 pages)
- Power Over Ethernet Receiver WLE-POE-R33 (8 pages)
- WLI-PCI-G54 (14 pages)
- WZR-G300N (89 pages)
- LinkStation Pro (8 pages)
- WLI-CB-G108 (16 pages)
- HD-PFU2 (94 pages)
- Turbo USB Utility HD-HSU2 (7 pages)
- AirStation Wireless-G MIMO WLI-TX4-G54 (2 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation G54 WLA-G54C (22 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation 125* High Speed Mode WBR2-G54S (2 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WLI-CB-G54A (12 pages)
- User Manual (42 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WLA2-G54C (10 pages)
- HD-QSTSU2/R5 (12 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WLA2-G54L (2 pages)
- LinkStation LS-LGL (19 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WHR-HP-AG108 (7 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation Turbo G High Power WLI-TX4-G54HP (2 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation Turbo A&G Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WLI-U2-AG108HP (2 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WLI-U2-KG125S (2 pages)
- WLI2-CB-G54L (46 pages)
- Buffalo AirStation WBR2-G54PK (2 pages)
- WLAR-L11G-L (11 pages)
- HS-DGL Series (73 pages)