S&S Cycle Air Cleaner Covers User Manual

Page 3

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3- Install the two threaded pin studs in place of where the flanged head screws were removed. A small amount of 243 blue Loctite® should be

applied to the threads of the pin stud. Picture 4 illustrates the pin studs.

4- Tighten the pin studs down and make sure the holes are horizontal. Picture 5 illustrates the pin studs installed and the holes in a horizontal

position with the lynch pins installed.

5- If the lynch pins are not sitting straight on the pin studs take this time adjust them to the desired location.
6- Remove the lynch pins from the pin studs.
7- Attach the lanyards to the carburetor using the carburetor bowl screws pointed out in Picture 6.

8- Remove one screw at a time and tighten down making sure the eyelets and cables are pointed outward and not interfering with the backplate

or the carburetor.

NOTE: Picture 7 illustrates the carburetor without the backplate and filter assembly but you should be able to install the lanyards with the backplate and
filter assembly on the carburetor and attached to the motorcycle.

Picture 7

Lanyards Installed

Picture 6

Carburetor Bowl Screws

Picture 4

Picture 5