Caution – S&S Cycle Stroker Kits 106 for Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88 Engines User Manual

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Cylinders that have not been cleaned with soap and hot
water will release abrasive into the oil as the engine reaches
operating temperature, resulting in accelerated wear of
internal engine components, greatly reducing engine life.

B. Piston to head clearance,


Install flywheel assembly in right crankcase only.

2. Assemble pistons without rings on their proper

connecting rods. Installation of wristpin clips is
not necessary.

NOTE - Rear piston has piston to piston clearance notch machined
in piston skirt, place notch toward center of engine.


Install both cylinders and temporarily secure each
with one nut.


Rotate flywheel to position where pistons are at
TDC. Piston deck should be flush with cylinder head
gasket surface.

NOTE - The stroker engine is designed with .045” piston to head
clearance (squish), which is provided by thickness of head gasket.
Therefore, pistons at TDC should be flush with head gasket
surface of cylinders. If pistons are higher than cylinders at TDC,
then something is wrong and S&S


should be notified.

Insufficient clearance between piston domes and cylinder
heads will damage pistons, heads and/or other engine


Connecting rod to crankcase clearance.


Rotate flywheel to positions where connecting rods
are closest to crankcase and cylinder spigots in front
and rear. There must be a minimum of .060”
clearance between connecting rods and crankcases
or cylinder spigots. See Picture 4.


Clearance crankcases or cylinder spigots if needed.
Connecting rod to crankcase clearance is usually not
a problem with S&S Stroker kits, but if engines are
built with longer strokes or heavier connecting rods
a potential for contact exists.

NOTE - If clearancing is required. Tape off the pinion and cam
bearings to prevent chips from getting into bearings.


Piston to piston clearance.

1. Rotate flywheel to position where pistons are

closest to each other. See Picture 5. Check clearance
between pistons.

NOTE - A minimum of .060” clearance is required between
pistons at the closest point.

2. If additional clearancing is needed, disassemble

cylinders and pistons and carefully file edge of
piston skirts until clearance is obtained. Clean
all parts.


Piston to piston oiler clearance. This step can be done at
the same time as Step C above.

1. Rotate flywheel to position where rear piston is at

bottom of travel.

2. Check clearance between piston skirt and piston

oiler. See picture 6.

3. Repeat for front piston.
4. If clearance between piston skirts and piston oilers

is less than .060”, file notch in piston skirt to achieve
required clearance.


Picture 3

Picture 4



Picture 5