RKI Instruments M2 Rig Monitor User Manual

Page 42

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M2 Rig Monitor Operator’s Manual

following screen appears.


To exit Modbus Mode, press and release the DOWN/NO button. The M2 Rig Monitor
will return to normal operation.

To continue in Modbus Mode, press and release the UP/YES button. The current
ENABLED/DISABLED setting will appear.


If you want to change the currently displayed parameter, use the UP/YES and
DOWN/NO buttons to adjust it to the desired setting, then press ENTER to continue
to the next parameter.

If the currently displayed parameter setting is OK, press the ENTER button to proceed
to the next parameter.

Table 7 lists the Rig Monitor Modbus Mode parameters you can set. Table 7 also lists
the factory set value for each parameter.


When you have scrolled through all the adjustable parameters, SAVE IT? YES/NO
appears on the display.


If you do not wish to save the adjustments, press and release the DOWN/NO button.
The DO OVER? YES/NO message will display. Press and release the DOWN/NO
button. The ABORT? YES/NO message will display. Press the UP/YES button to
return to normal operation.

If you wish to change some of the adjustments made, press and release the DOWN/
NO button. The DO OVER? YES/NO message will display. Press and release the UP/
YES button. The Re-do MB Setup message will display and the M2 Rig Monitor will

Table 7: Configuration Parameters

Modbus Mode Parameter

Available Settings & Description


Can be set to ENABLED or DISABLED (factory setting).
Enables or disables the Modbus output.

Slave ID

The Slave ID can be set to values from 1 (factory setting) to 247.

The Rig Monitor will only receive messages from the Master
which are addressed to this Slave ID (except for broadcast
messages which are received by all slaves).

Baud Rate

Can be set to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (factory setting), 14440, &


EVEN (factory setting), ODD, NONE

Response Delay

The response delay can be set from 0 (factory setting) to 20 mS.

This is an optional additional delay inserted by the Rig Monitor
prior to returning a response message to the Master. It may be
helpful in some installations where the Master’s preparedness to
receive responses might be delayed.

Set Up
