RKI Instruments M2 Series User Manual

Page 63

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M2 Transmitter Operator’s Manual


Register 30

Register 30 is the alarm 2 relay reset.

Register 31

Register 31 is the alarm 2 ON delay.
Integer values are in seconds.

Register 32

Register 32 is the alarm 2 OFF delay.
Integer values are in seconds.

Register 33

Register 33 is zero suppression.
Toxics and LEL: 0%-6% of full scale
Oxygen: 0%-0.7% Oxygen
The decimal point location is the same as specified in Register 1.

Register 34

Register 34 is noise filter.
Integer values in seconds.
0-60 in 5 second increments.

Register 35

Register 35 is calibration timeout in minutes (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30).

Register 36

Register 36 is calibration month (upper byte) and day (lower byte).
This is zero based (e.g. January=0 and the 1st=0).

Register 37

Register 37 is the calibration year.

Register 38

Register 38 is the calibration outcome.
Upper=Gas Operation
Lower=Air Operation

Calibration Outcome Codes:

1=Sensor Missing
2=Sensor Too Weak
3=Signal Too Strong
4=Not Enough Span
5=Negative Reading
6=Span Gas Value Is Not OK
7=Calculated Zero Is Too Low
8=Calculated Zero Is Too High
9=Zero Failure
10=Span Failure
11=Calibration Is Overscale
12=LEL Sensor Offset Is Too High
13=LEL Null Operation Failed