RKI Instruments SM-2009U User Manual
Page 52

48 • Using the Single Module Data Viewer Software
include the instrument’s serial number, station ID, user ID, bump
test or calibration time, test gas, and gas readings during the
6. To print the files as they appear in the upper right part of the data
view window, click the print button in the upper left corner of the
window. A dialog box will appear confirming if you want to print.
Click OK.
7. To print only the pass or fail result of all files in the upper right
window, click the Bump test & Calibration Report button above
the files. A dialog box will appear showing the selected printer and
confirming if you want to print. Verify that the selected printer is
correct and click OK.
8. To print the complete results, pass/fail and gas readings, of one of
the files in the upper right part of the data view window, click on one
of the files to select it and then click the print button that appears
above the file details in the lower right. A dialog box will appear
showing the selected printer and confirming if you want to print.
Verify that the selected printer is correct and click OK.
9. To save files as they appear in the upper right part of the data view
window, click the Save To File button to the right of the print button
in the upper left corner of the window. The Save To File button has
a floppy disk icon in it. A “Save As” dialog box will appear for you to
specify the filename, file location, and file type. Select the Text files
(*.csv) choice to save the information as a comma separated value
file that may be opened with a spreadsheet program such as
Microsoft Excel.
10. To save files to the clipboard as they appear in the upper right part
of the data view window, click the Copy To Clipboard button. The
Copy To Clipboard button has a clipboard icon in it. The file will be
saved to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into a document by
using the Paste command in an application.