RKI Instruments SM-2009U User Manual
Page 19

Setting the Bump Test and Calibration Parameters • 15
calibration gas through the CAL. GAS fitting on the back of the station
during a bump test.
Bump Test Check Tolerance (cHE)
The bump test check tolerance only applies to bump testing. It
determines how close the GX-2009 gas reading must be to the
calibration gas concentration for each channel during a bump test in
order to pass the bump test. It is defined as a percentage of the
calibration gas concentration.The amount that the GX-2009 gas reading
differs from the calibration gas concentration must be equal to or less
than this percentage of the calibration gas concentration. For example, if
the tolerance is set to 50%, and the %LEL calibration gas concentration
is 50% LEL, then the bump test gas reading for the LEL channel on the
GX-2009 must be 50 %LEL ± 25 %LEL.
Automatic Calibration (cAL)
Automatic calibration only applies to bump testing. It is set to on or off. If
it is set to on, then the calibration station will automatically perform a cal-
ibration if a bump test fails.
Turning On the SM-2009U with a GX-2009
Do the following to turn on the SM-2009U and establish a connection
with a GX-2009:
1. Confirm that the AC Adapter is connected to the SM-2009U and to
an AC wall socket.
2. Press and hold the SM-2009U’s POWER button. The LEDs will turn
amber the internal pump will turn on momentarily.
3. When the pump stops and the BUMP and CAL. LEDs turn off,
release the POWER button.
4. The COPY LED will be off or on steadily and the CHARGE LED will
be blinking green if the SM-2009U is operating properly or solid red
if there is a system failure. The amount of free memory in the SM-
2009U will dictate the condition of the COPY LED (see “Available
Memory in the SM-2009U” on page 37).