Bump – RKI Instruments SM-2009U User Manual

Page 33

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Bump Testing Instruments • 29

apply gas and perform a calibration.

16. The BUMP LED will stop blinking and be on steadily green if the

bump test passed or steadily red if the bump test failed.

17. If the automatic calibration parameter is set to on and the

instrument failed the bump test prompting an automatic calibration,
the CAL. LED will be on steadily green if the calibration passed or
steadily red if the calibration failed.

18. In addition to the indication by the BUMP LED and, if an automatic

calibration took place, the CAL. LED, the GX-2009 display will
indicate the bump test result or bump test/calibration result for each
channel by alternating between two screens. One screen indicates
whether each channel passed or failed and one screen indicates
the bump test gas reading for each channel if only a bump test was
performed or the calibration settings if a bump test and calibration
were performed. A “P” indicates a pass and a “F” indicates a fail.
Two examples of possible outcomes are shown below for both a
bump test only and for a bump test with a calibration.

If a successful bump test is performed, the GX-2009 will
automatically be shut off in 15 seconds. The bump test due date
will also be reset in the GX-2009.

Figure 7: Screen Indications for Bump Test Only



CO ppm H2S ppm

CH4 %LEL OXY vol%


50 12.0


CO ppm H2S ppm

CH4 %LEL OXY vol%

50 25.0

All Channels Passed



CO ppm H2S ppm

CH4 %LEL OXY vol%


20 12.0


CO ppm H2S ppm

CH4 %LEL OXY vol%

50 18.0

CH4 & H2S Failed

Bump Test

Bump Test