RKI Instruments SDM-2009 PC Controlled Configuration User Manual
Page 37

Setting Up the PC Controller Program • 32
The Parameter Tab of the Configuration Window will be displayed.
Figure 22: Config Window Parameter Tab
Click the box next to Initialize Display Order in the SDM portion of the
Parameter tab.
Click OK.
The program will ask if you want to save the changes. Click Yes.
A window will appear informing you that you need to turn off all SDMs and
restart the program. Click OK.
Click the Exit button in the upper right corner of the main program window to
exit the program.
Turn off all of the SDM-2009s if they are on.
10. Open the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller program again.
11. Turn on your SDM-2009s in the order that you wish for them to appear on the
main program window. Typically the order in which the docking stations appear
on the screen corresponds to their left to right arrangement on the tabletop.
12. Your SDM-2009 docking stations should all appear on the screen in numerical
order. The program will remember each SDM-2009’s number. If fewer than all
of the docking stations are turned on, the stations will still appear in numerical