Eagle 2 and gx type instrument connection – RKI Instruments SDM-2009 PC Controlled Configuration User Manual
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EAGLE 2 and GX Type Instrument Connection • 18
EAGLE 2 and GX Type Instrument Connection
There are 2 different versions of the Docking Station PC Controller program. The
SDM-E2 Docking Station PC Controller program is intended for use with SDM-E2
docking stations and EAGLE 2 instruments. The SDM-GX Docking Station PC
Controller program is intended for use with GX type docking stations and GX type
Bump tests and calibrations can be performed on multiple EAGLE 2s and GX type
instruments at the same time. The SDM-E2 Docking Station PC Controller program
controls the EAGLE 2 functions while the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller
program controls the GX type instrument functions. Both programs can be used
simultaneously on your PC. Follow all instructions in the SDM-E2 Docking Station PC
Controlled Configuration Operator’s Manual as well as the instructions in this manual.
Installing the SDM-GX Docking Station
PC Controller Software
Launch Windows
Exit from all applications and open windows.
There are two ways to install the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller
Software: by using the SDM-2009 product CD or by using the SDM-GX
Docking Station PC Controller Software Installation CD.
If you are using the SDM-2009 Product CD, insert the Product CD into your
computer’s CD-ROM drive. The CD will automatically open revealing
several folders. Open the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Software
folder, double click on setup.exe and continue with step 4.
If you are using the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Software
Installation CD, it will automatically begin the installation process. Insert it
in your computer’s CD-ROM drive, then continue with step 4.
The SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller InstallShield Wizard comes up to
guide you through installation. Click Next to proceed to the License Agreement
Read the license agreement and click the agreement acceptance selection
box, then click Next to proceed to the Customer Information window.
Enter a user name and organization and select if you want to install the
program for all users on the computer or just for your user account, then click
Next to proceed to the Destination Folder window.
The default installation folder (C:\Program Files\SDM-GX\) is displayed. If you
want to install the software in the default folder continue with step 8. If you
want to install the software in a different location, click Change and choose a
new installation folder and then continue with step 8.
Click Next to proceed to the Ready to Install the Program window.