RKI Instruments SDM-2009 PC Controlled Configuration User Manual

Page 33

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Setting Up the PC Controller Program • 28


Select the Instrument Information options.

Change Parameter

If Change Parameter is selected (factory setting), the Edit function is active
in the Instrument Function Menu allowing you to change various
parameters in connected instruments. See “Edit Function” on page 95 for a
complete description of the Edit function. If it is not selected, the Edit
function is not active. Select or deselect the Change Parameter box.

Auto Power OFF Time

This is the length of time that will pass after the last operation is finished
before the program will automatically shut off the instrument. If a
successful bump test or calibration is performed, the program will
automatically shut off the instrument in 20 seconds regardless of the Auto
Power OFF Time setting. Use the arrows to the right of the current setting
to change the value or highlight the current setting and type in the desired
value. It is defined in seconds with a maximum setting of 3600 seconds (1
hour). The factory setting is 3600 seconds.


Select the Data Logger options.

Down Load Data Logger

The Down Load Data Logger selection allows you to have saved data
automatically downloaded from the instrument once it is connected to the
PC Controller program. The data will automatically be downloaded based
on the frequency set in the Down Load Interval option. The factory setting
is deselected. Select or deselect the Down Load Data Logger box.

Clear After Down Load

The Clear After Down Load selection allows you to automatically clear the
instrument data logger after an automatic download. The factory setting is
deselected. Select or deselect the Clear After Down Load box. If Down
Load Data Logger is not selected, selecting Clear After Download has no

Down Load Interval

The Down Load Interval is the length of time, in days, that will pass before
the PC Controller program will automatically download data from an
instrument if Down Load Data Logger is selected. If the instrument is
connected to the program before the interval has passed, a data download
will not automatically occur. The Down Load Interval can be set anywhere
from 1 to 60 days. The factory setting is 1 day. Use the arrows to the right
of the current setting to change the interval or highlight the current setting
and type in the desired value.


SDM Selection

If you select the Initialize Display Order selection box, the PC Controller