Precisionsound Angelic Vocal Pads 6 User Manual

Page 4

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2014

Knob morph

In “Knob morph” mode, a knob appears below the Control menu. Turning this
Morph knob from 0% to 100% fades out the Source and fades in the Destination,
like the modulation wheel in “CC1 morph” mode. We have included this mode so
that it is easy to assign morphing to another MIDI controller, or to automate it in
your host sequencer.

To assign morphing to a MIDI controller, right-click the Morph knob and click “Learn MIDI CC#

Automation”, then move the physical slider or dial that you want to assign.

Keyswitch only

In “Keyswitch only” mode, morphing is disabled. The Destination menu is hidden because it is not in
use. In this mode, you can still crossfade between Source vowels using the keyswitches.


The Dynamics section on the Perform page provides four knobs that
control the amplitude of the instrument sound.

The Attack and Release knobs adjust respectively the start and end
of the amplitude envelope. They affect all vowels, both sources and

The X-fade knob adjusts the speed of crossfades between Source and Destination vowels when using
the keyswitches, from 0% (fast) to 100% (slow).

The Velocity control adjusts the sensitivity of the instrument’s volume to MIDI velocity.

The X-fade and Velocity knobs are hidden when the Control menu is in “Velocity morph” mode,
because they are not applicable in that mode.

“Velocity morph” mode works differently from morphing by modulation wheel or knob,

because it operates per-note, rather than on all notes at once. Volume sensitivity to velocity is
disabled in this mode because it is used to morph between vowels. Likewise, crossfading is
not applicable because each note has its own levels of source and destination vowel.
Therefore, while Source keyswitches still work in “Velocity morph” mode, they affect the next
played note, rather than currently played notes like in “CC1 morph” and “Knob morph”