Precisionsound Angelic Vocal Pads 6 User Manual

Page 3

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2014

The difference between changing the vowel using the Source menu, and changing the vowel using a
keyswitch, is that the Source menu transitions instantly to the new vowel, whereas keyswitches
crossfade from the old to the new vowel.

With keyswitches, you can change Source vowels smoothly while playing sustained notes.

The Destination menu enables you to select a different vowel from the Source, then morph between
the two vowels.

More about Sources and Destinations

Each Source vowel has its own unique Destination vowel. This means that if you select A as the
source and E as the destination, you could then change the source to O and select M as the

When you change the source back to A, the destination will revert to E. When you change it again to
O, the destination will revert to M.

In other words, the instrument remembers your chosen destination for each source.

If you try to select the same vowel for the destination as the current source, the destination

menu will snap to the next available vowel, because you cannot morph a vowel with itself.

Control Menu

There are three ways in which to morph between Source and Destination vowels:
CC1, Velocity, and Knob. They are selectable from the Control menu.

Additionally, this menu also allows you to disable morphing and use only

CC1 morph

In “CC1 morph” mode, MIDI continuous controller #1 controls the morph between Source and
Destination vowels. This is usually the modulation wheel on your MIDI keyboard. Turn the
modulation wheel from minimum to maximum while playing a note, and you will hear the Source
fade out, as the Destination fades in until it is the only vowel that can be heard.

Velocity morph

In “Velocity morph” mode, the levels of Source and Destination are controllable for each note you
play, depending on how hard you play the keys. The volume of the Source decreases as velocity
increases (when you hit the keys harder), and vice versa for the Destination. In other words, at
maximum velocity, only the Destination vowel can be heard.