Timing controls, Pitch controls, Rhythm controls – Precisionsound Tranzitone User Manual
Page 16: Timing controls pitch controls rhythm controls

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Timing controls
The tempo-synced speed of the arpeggiator is controlled by the Rate
dial, and its value is displayed to the right of the dial.
The Duration dial controls the length of each note in the arpeggio.
The Swing dial moves the notes in the arpeggio away from the beat.
At mid-point, the arpeggiator plays exactly on the beat.
Pitch controls
The pattern created by the arpeggiator is controllable by the Style
The Octave dial controls the range over which the arpeggiator
notes are played.
The Strike dial sets the number of consecutive times that the
arpeggiator plays each note.
Rhythm controls
The Steps dial controls the length in notes of the arpeggiator’s pattern.
As the Steps dial is turned, the number of white bars shown on the right changes accordingly. Each
bar represents a note in the arpeggiator.
The height of each bar controls the velocity at which the corresponding note will be generated by the
The bars only affect the notes if Fix Velocity is switched on. If Fix Velocity is off, notes are
generated at the velocity with which they were played on your MIDI keyboard.