Powertrax 4110 User Manual
Page 17
1. Position the carrier vertically, with the drive shaft
flange pointing down. It can be held in a vise or even stood on its
nose in a coffee can if a vise is not available.
2. Place the bearing races on the differential bearings.
Be sure to place the marked one on the proper end.
3. Set the differential case (and bearing races) into the
carrier. Install it with ring gear pushed all the way into the drive
pinion—that is, with no backlash, and with the bearing races
pushed all the way onto the bearings.
4. Check the punch marks on the adjusters and deter-
mine which one goes on the side nearest the ring gear. Hold it
so that the mark is at its final position (where the lock will be
installed, pointing away from the carrier). Push the adjuster
against the race and slide it down into the threads in the carrier.
They should mesh easily, with no space between the parts.
5. Install the correctly-marked cap. Use the bolts as
guides by turning them in two threads or so and then sliding the
Third Member Final Assembly
cap down to meet the case. Be sure that the cap threads fit into
those in the adjuster. Do not force anything. The cap should
slide down very close to the carrier surface. Tighten the bolts
until they are snug (see Figure 14).
6. Hold the other adjuster so that the mark is in the
same relative position as the other one (with the mark away from
the carrier) and slide it down the bearing race into the threads.
As it meshes, it should shift outward a little and be positioned
slighty away from the race (adjuster shown in Figure 15).
7. Install the other cap. Again, use the bolts as guides
by turning them in two threads or so and then sliding the cap
down to meet the case. Turn the bolts until they are barely snug.
Be sure that the cap threads fit into those in the adjuster. Do not
force anything.
8. Use a spanner wrench or a blunt punch and a ham-
mer to turn the second adjuster (the one away from the ring
gear) one turn inward (clockwise) until the marked hole reaches
its final position (in the middle of the cap just below the lock).