Alarm mode, Calibration – New Era HEATER-KIT-1LG Syringe Heater User Manual
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New Era Pump Systems Inc.
Publication #1200-01
Hold Percentage
The Hold Percentage provides just enough power to the heating pads to compenste for heat loss, clamping
the temperature at the set point. The temperature hold heating percentage is used when the temperature is
within +/- 1 degree of the Set Point temperature.
The actual Hold Percentage is dynamically adjusted according to the measured temperature. When the
temperature settles below the Set Point, the adjusted percentage is incremented. When the temperatrue
settles above the Set Point, the adjusted percentage is decremented. These small changes in power will
slowly nudge the temperature towards the Set Point, while minimizing over/under shooting.
The Hold Percentage setting remains unaffected by the adjusted setting. The adjusted setting remains in
affect until the heater control box is powered off. A good starting value is 10 Percent.
Alarm Mode
When the measured temperature reaches 20 C (36 F) above the Set Point, Alarm Mode is set. The heater
exits Active Mode, turning off the Active LED, and the red Alarm LED is lit. When the measured
temperature is below the Alarm level, by either the temperature cooling, or by raising the Set Point, Alarm
Mode is ended and the Alarm LED turns off.
Heating pad calibration is performed through the RS-232 computer interface using the CAL command.
Calibration is performed by measuring the primary heating pad temperature at 2 temperatures: One at
room temperature, and one at a high set point of at least 25 C above room temperature. Measurements are
in Celsius units.
Notes on measuring the heating pad temperature:
Measure the temperature on the inner part of the primary heating pad curve, under the temperature sensor.
Only the primary heating pad, with a sensor, can be calibrated.
Power on the syringe heater.
Attach the computer cable (CBL-PC-PUMP-7) and start the terminal emulator PUMPTERM.EXE.
Verify communications is established with the heater by pressing the ENTER key on the PC. A
response from the heater will indicate communications is established.
Measure the low point temperature.
Allow the temperature on the heating pad to reach room temperature for at least 1 minute.
Measure the temperature on the heating pad.
Very quickly, after reading the temperature, enter the low point temperature as a 1 to 3 digit Celsius
number (spaces are optional) with the following command:
CAL L nnn
Measure the high point temperature.
On the syringe heater, or from the PC, enter a temperature set point at least 25 degrees higher than
the room temperature. To set from the PC, use the SET command. For example to set a 75 degree
set point (assuming C units set), enter:
SET 75
Start the syringe heater by pressing the Active buttons, or from the PC, use the RUN command.
Wait for the heating pad to reach the set point. Then wait 1 minute for the temperature to settle and
dissipate throughout the heating pad.
Measure the temperature on the heating pad
Very quickly, after reading the temperature, enter the high point temperature as a 1 to 3 digit Celsius
number (spaces are optional) with the following command :
CAL H nnn