Operation – Multiquip TP7X User Manual

Page 22

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page 22 — Tp7X TILe SaW • operaTIon manuaL — rev. #0 (03/04/11)


STarT-up proCeDure


Read and fully understand this manual before

starting or attempting to operate the saw.
Before starting the saw’s electric motor

make sure that the Safety, General Information, and

Set-Up sections have been completed and understood.

Do noT proceed until the above mentioned sections

have been completed.


aLWayS use the water feed system unless special dry

cut blades are being used. If dry cutting is required,

disconnect water pump.


aLWayS wear approved eye and hearing

protection before operating the saw.


never place hands or feet inside the belt

guard or blade guard while the motor is


aLWayS shut the motor down before

performing any kind of maintenance


never place hands and fingers near

the cutting blade. The possibility exists of

severe bodily harm if hands and fingers

come in contact with rotating saw blade.


aLWayS ensure that the cutting blade has

been mounted correctly.


never touch a live power cord with wet

hands. The possibility exists of electrical

shock, electrocution which could cause

severe bodily harm, even death.

1. Place the material to be cut (Figure 14) on the cutting

table against the backstop.

Figure 14. Material Placement

2. Turn the power ON/OFF switch (Figure 15) to the ON

position with the blade away from the material to be

cut, the cutting blade should begin to rotate. Before

cutting remember to follow all safety rules referenced

in this manual.

Figure 15. Power ON/OFF Switch (ON)


never lift the blade guard while the blade

is rotating. The possibility exists of severe

bodily harm if fingers or hands come in

contact with the rotating saw blade. Wait

for the blade to stop rotating before lifting

the blade guard.






aLWayS be alert to the fact that there is a rotating

blade on the saw and be extremely aware of your body

position — especially your hands in relationship to the

rotating blade. The possibility exists of severe bodily

harm or even death if your body comes in contact with

the rotating saw blade.