MTS Fundamental Video Extensometer User Manual

Page 29

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Starting the Video Extensometer

Fundamental Video Extensometer



If you previously checked the option of the telescopic column, click the Motorized Column...

It is possible to move the motorized column up and down, in order to be able to correctly
visualize the markers, before the beginning of the test or at the end of the test to return to the
initial position.

The reactivity value makes it possible to determine on which proportion of the image, the signal
10V will be cut out. On this example, value 4 indicates that the 0 – 10V will be expressed on a ¼
of the image. Higher the value is, more reactive the column will be. The value indicated will be
the value retained for all the tests carried out with the column.


This window is not available during the test because the program automatically controls
the column, which follows the progression of the strain.


The Reduce button reduces the window and displays the small window.

The New test... button launches a new test, the window of the settings reappears with the default

The New specimen button restarts a test, by preserving the same settings that the previous test,
all that is necessary is to seek the markers and to initialize again.

The Return button carries out modifications in the window of the test settings, if the information
in the window “Condition of tensile test” is not the one desired.

