Marshalltown ST24 Skywalker Stilts 1.0 User Manual
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Please read and fully understand this instruction sheet and all
warnings and precautions listed below.
Marshalltown is not responsible for any accident resulting from
negligence, unintended use of the stilts, and failure due to lack of
regular maintenance and assessment.
WARNING: Load limit 225lbs. Do not exceed!
WARNING: During transport, keep locking mechanisms in the locked
positions to avoid damaging the assemblies.
1. Before each use inspect the stilts in detail, repair any defects or
damage using only parts intended for the Marshalltown Skywalker
1.0 stilts, securely tighten all fasteners, and clean off the bottom
foot. For questions regarding parts, damage, or defects contact
customer service toll-free at (800) 888-0127.
2. Under no condition should the stilts be worn while under the
influence of drugs or medication that could impair your judgment,
affect your balance, or cause drowsiness.
3. Only use stilts on clean, dry surfaces, free of debris and obstacles
on the ground. Never use stilts on scaffolding or plywood placed
over any type of opening.
4. When learning to walk on the stilts always have a friend or
partner around to spot you. It is important to start slowly and to
make very small strides and lifting your feet cleanly off the ground.
Always try to use “U-turns” to reverse your direction. Avoid walking
backwards on the stilts. As you gain confidence when using the stilts
you can begin to lengthen your strides. WARNING: Never completely
compress the stilt action springs. This puts excess stress on other stilt
components that could cause them to collapse.
5. When putting on the stilts always attach the leg straps before
tightening the foot straps. Make sure to securely fasten each. When
taking off the stilts remove the foot straps first before the leg strap.
NOTE: When putting on, taking off, or tightening straps on the stilts
you should have a spotter or be sitting down. Leaning over while on
the stilts can cause you to lose your balance and fall.
6. It is important to properly maintain all stilt components and
lubricate any moving part. These include items such as the action
springs and strut tubes. Use a lubricant that dries to avoid collecting
dirt and debris.
2 - Partially assembled Marshalltown Skywalker™ 1.0 Stilts
2 - Upper strut tubes (with calf support)
2 - Lower strut tubes
1 - Hardware Pack (includes the following)
2 - Heel brackets with attached bolts and locking nuts
2 - Tube Clamps with attached bolts and locking nuts
2 - Calf straps
3 - Hex Head Bolts
3 - Flat washers
3 - Lock washers
1. Attach tube clamps by inserting hex bolt through clamp brackets.
Do not tighten locking nut at this time.
2. Insert lower strut tube through tube clamps and set into lip on
outside of stilt leg. Secure strut assembly using hex bolt, flat washer,
and locking washer. You will need a 7/16” socket to tighten.
3. Fit the upper strut tube over the lower strut tube, going through
the tube clamps. Do not tighten tube clamps at this time. You will
tighten them after you’ve made a few slight adjustments to the
stilts, which are discussed in the “Stilt Adjustments” section.
4. Attach heel bracket using attached screws and locking nuts. To
determine the right setting follow these directions.
a. Remove screws and locking nuts from heel bracket.
b. Place foot on foot plate and insert leg between leg bands.
c. Position foot on the foot plate so that your ankle bone is
even with the upper strut tube.
d. Slide heel bracket underneath the back of your foot so that
the back hits your heel.
e. Remove your foot from the foot plate while keeping the heel
bracket in the same position.
f. Slightly adjust the heel bracket so that one set of holes is
aligned with the holes in the foot plate.
g. With a Phillips screwdriver and 9/32” socket securely fasten
the foot plate using the screws and locking nuts you removed
in the first step.
5. Insert calf strap behind leg clamps and upper strut tube making
sure the buckle is on the outside.
1. Adjust upper strut tubes to your leg by placing your foot onto
foot plate and inserting your leg between the leg bands. The leg
bands should be moved and set so that they are located right over
the thick part of your calf. The strut tube should apply a slight
pressure to the outside of your leg. This can be adjusted by moving
the upper strut tube further away or closer to the foot plate. When
adjustments have been made, tighten down leg clamps on the sides
and in the clamp bracket just enough so that they won’t move.
Never over tighten tube clamps as it can bend the tube and cause
the stilt to be unstable.
NOTE: To swivel the upper strut tube and leg bands slightly
loosen the tube clamps and turn the upper strut tube so that it fits
comfortably on your calf. This can be used to fix a tendency to lean
forward or back on the stilts.
2. The action springs can be adjusted to help fix leaning forward
or backward while on the stilts. Tighten the upper spring if you are
leaning forward and tighten the lower spring if you are leaning
backward. Always remove the stilts before you do this. Never tighten
either spring more than 15 turns as it can put excess stress on the
stilts and possibly cause them to collapse.
3. To adjust the height on the stilts remove the wing nuts on the
outside of the stilt legs and align them with the set of holes you’d
like the height set at. Reinsert wing bolts and securely fasten. Set
them side by side to confirm both stilts are set to the same height.
Please contact
MARSHALLTOWN Customer Service
with any questions or concerns with your stilts.
Our toll-free number is 1-800-888-0127.