Bush Hog CBH80 User Manual
Page 24

Troubleshooting (Continued)
Lift, crowd or bucket
Problems involving the control
Dirt and shreds of packing material are
cylinders drop under load
valve (cont.)
the usual causes of valve malfunction.
when control spools
Be sure the reservoir oil supply is kept
shifted from neutral
clean and only factory supplied packing
packings are used in cylinder repair.
Everything must be clean and free of
dirt during the oil line removal and
replacement, and during any cylinder
Load drops or settles
Loose oil line connections,
Tighten all hose connections and replace
leaks in line or broken lines
replace any damaged o-rings at leaking
o-ring fittings. Check and replace any
damaged hoses and lines.
Oil is bypassing cylinder piston,
Replace or rebuild the cylinder; replace
scored piston, worn piston
damaged parts.
packing, or defective piston
Worn or damaged rod seals on
Repack cylinder. Rebuild cylinder,
cylinder; external leaks
replacing damaged parts as necessary.
Worn control valve
Replace the control valve.
Damaged or worn spool seals
Replace spool end seals.
Leaky cylinders
Oil is bypassing cylinder piston,
Replace or rebuild the cylinder; replace
scored piston, worn piston
damaged parts.
packing, or defective piston
Scored piston rods and worn
Replace or rebuild the cylinder; replace
guides in cylinder
damaged parts.
Bent piston rod in cylinder
Replace or rebuild the cylinder; replace
damaged parts.
Worn or damaged rod seals on
Repack cylinder. Rebuild cylinder,
cylinder; external leaks
replacing damaged parts as necessary.
Leaky valve
Loose oil line connections,
Tighten all hose connections and
leaks in line or broken lines
replace any damaged O-rings at
leaking O-ring fittings. Check and
replace any damaged hoses and lines.
Excessive back pressure
Relieve condition. Restriction may be
from outlet to reservoir.
Paint on valve spool; sticking
Clean valve spool. Binding is usually
valve spool or scored valve
caused from an over tightened plug,
mounting bolt, fitting in valve body or
tie rod bolt. If a plug or fitting in the
valve body is leaking, do not overtighten
in an effort to stop leak. This will distort
body casting and cause spools to bind.