B&B Electronics Zlinx 485 User Manual

Page 41

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Product Specifications

Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808

Frequency Input: Two DI inputs per module software selectable as Frequency Counters, 0 to 5 kHz range

(do NOT exceed more than 5kHz)

Digital Outputs

Voltage Range: 10 to 45 VDC (for sourcing outputs), 0 toVDC (for sinking outputs)

Open Source: 40 mA per output

Analog Inputs/Outputs

Ranges: 0 to 10 VDC or 0 to 20 mA

Resolution: 12 bit

Input Accuracy: 0.15 % full scale reading typical, 0.2 % max

Output Accuracy: 0.15 % full scale reading typical, 0.2 % max

AI Load Resistance: 100 Mega ohms when configured for voltage input

250 ohms when configured for current input

AO Max Output Current: 1 mA when configured for voltage output

AO Max Source Load: 375 ohms at 20 mA and 10V input voltage when configured for current output

Input Protection: Over-voltage to 2x max input voltage

Power Supply Voltage


10 VDC to 30 VDC

Power Supply: Not included

Base Module Power Connector: Removable screw terminal (2) block, 3.5 mm spacing

Relay Outputs

Number of Relays: 8

Type: C (normally open and normally closed)

Output Connection: 3.5mm removable terminal block (2 per output)

Common Connectin: 3.5mm removable terminal block (1 per bank of 4 output)

Ratings: 250 VAC @ 8A, 30 VDC @ 5A (maximum per bank of 4 as grouped on the label)

RTD Inputs

Number of RTD: 4

Wire configuration: 2, 3, and 4 wire

Type: PT100*, PT1000*, Cu10**

*Optimized for temperature coefficient of 385
**Optimized for temperature coefficient of 427

Input Connection: 3.5mm removable terminal block (4 per output)

Temperature Range: PT100 = -200 to 650 º C

PT1000 = -200 to 100 º C

Cu10 = -100 to

260 º C